William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for 1827



1827, Jan. 1. M.Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, §. 42. Museum; Exact Relatione. Hodgets au soir. Charlemont, p. 264.

2. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 247. Suetonius, §. 48. Museum; Exact Relatione. Theatre, White Maid; adv. Wallace, J Taylor & Gente: N G calls. Cline dies.

3. W.Commonwealth, p. 249. Suetonius, §. 57. Rowbotham calls: sup at Reynolds’s, w. Poole & miss Harris. Cold, 4 days. 46

4. Th.Commonwealth, p. 253/2. Suetonius, Galba, §. 4. M W S dines; adv. W; invité Poole. Ice in chamber. 39

5. F.Commonwealth, p. 256. Suetonius, §. 7: Charlemont, p. 335. Duke of York dies . 40

6. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 258. Suetonius, §. 11. Charlemont, p. 460, fin. 41 ½

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Jan. 7. Su.Commonwealth, p. 261. Suetonius, §. 18. Call on M W S: sup at Hodgets’, senr, w. junrs & Kempson.

8. M.Commonwealth, p. 262/2. Museum; Carey, Baber & Keatese. Truth, p. 105. Seek T Rodd.

9. Tu.Commonwealth, 2 pages. Suetonius, §. 23: Truth, p. 140. Call on Roddn: theatre, Grown children; adv. O’ Hanlone. miss Benger dies.

10. W.Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, Otho, § 6: Truth, p. 188. Write to Davison. Call on Rodd; adv. Henderson: N G calls.Owen, &c . Dr Jones dies.

11. Th.Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, §. 10: Truth, p. 218. M W S dines; adv. W, Poole & T Ht; & miss Hippisley. Neal.

12. F.Write to W. Truth, p. 356. Call on Priestley, Howel & Pickering.

13. Sa.Commonwealth, çala (Wood, Hist. Oxon). Suetonius, §. 12; Vitellius, §. 2: Truth, Vol. II, p. 221. 48

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Jan. 14. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Suetonius, §. 6: Truth, p. 364. Call on M W S: seek M.

15. M.Commonwealth, 1 page. Suetonius, §. 12. Museum; Woode. M W S calls: theatre, 4/5 Richarde.

16. Tu.Commonwealth, 2 pp. Suetonius, §. 18. Museume. Truth, Vol. III, p. 69. H & A Boinville, & O T call: sup at Aldis’s, w. 3 Uwins, mrs Jones, A Bunnet, Blunt, Haughton, Cares & Deacon.

17. W.Commonwealth, p. 3, 4. Truth, p. 314, fin. Deliq. Imperfme.

18. Th.Commonwealth, p. 5. Suetonius, Vespasian, §. 4. Meet Reynolds: M W S & Wdine: adv. H Boinville, O T & T Ht. Plurae.

19. F.Wilhelm Meister, p. 90. Hudson calls: N G & mrs Hall at tea. Write to Jos. Wilson, & mrs Hippesley. Moriuntur : Vomitioe. Thermomr, 46

20. Sa.Commonwealth, 6 lines. Grayson expected. Wilhelm, p. 324. Meet Fellowes. Frost, 8 days. Snow. 43 ½

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Jan. 21. Su.Commonwealth, p. 6. Suetonius, §. 7. Wilhelm, Vol. II, p. 274. Call on M W S. Anthony Robinson dies.42 ½

22. M.Commonwealth, p. 7/2. Write to C C. Suetonius, §. 612. Grayson calls: call on Bowring & Davison: sup at Reynolds’s. 42

23. Tu.Commonwealth, çala (Law). Wilhelm, p. 351. Sup at Hodgets.’ (borrow Rees, 5 Vols.) 39

24. W.Commonwealth (Law), p. 1 & 2/2. Wilhelm, Vol. III, p. 54. Theatre, 1/2 L Log, & Best Friende. Suetonius, §. 20. 40 ½

25. Th.Commonwealth, p. 3. Suetonius, §. 25. Museum; Dugdalee. M W S & W dine; adv. Hudson. 42

26. F.Commonwealth, 2 lines (Prideaux). Suetonius, Titus, §. 6. Call on H Boinvillen & Mnit: N G calls. Wilhelm, p. 165. 38 ½

27. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 4; Quamdiu. Suetonius, §. 8: Wilhelm, p. 235. O Turner calls. 42

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Jan. 28. Su.Commonwealth, p. 7. Suetonius, §. 11: Wilhelm, p. 294, fin. Uwins calls: call on M W S.

29. M.Commonwealth, p. 7, iterum. Suetonius, Domitian, §. 4: Tacitus, Historiæ, c. 4.

30. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 8. Museum, fr. Suetonius, §. 7e. Call on Rodd (adv. Henderson, Prowet & H Rd), & H Boinvillen.

31. W.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; 35 Eliz; adv. Rutt & Lambse: theatre, Englishmen in India; adv. Thelwal & R Reynoldse. Suetonius, §. 10.


Feb. 1. Th.Commonwealth, p. 9. Write to Hardy. Suetonius, §. 13. Call on mrs Talfourd: M W S & W dine; adv. T Ht.

2. F.Commonwealth, 1 1/2 pages. Suetonius, §. 17. Call on Rodd: M W S & N G call: sup at Lamb’s, w. M W S; adv. H Robinson.

3. Sa.Commonwealth, 3 lines (poke). Suetonius, §. 23, fin. Grayson calls. Thermometer, 46

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Feb. 4. Su.Commonwealth, 2 1/2 pages. Tacitus, Historiæ, c. 12. Call on M W S: M calls. Giovanni, acts 1, 2, 3. 45

5. M.Commonwealth, 3 pages. Tacitus, C 20. Museume. Dine at Ch. Jones’s, w. Aldis, Forrest, Bannister, Lloyds, Greenwoods, &c; adv. Godbolts, &mrs Bluet, & Wrights. 47

6. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 26. Rutt calls n & N Gn: dine at M W S’s. 45

7. W.Commonwealth, revise. Write to Parkes. White call: theatre, 1/2 Romeo, & £100. notee. Call on Rodd. Vomitioe. 46

8. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Call on Roddn: M W S & W dine. 46

9. F.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 33. Call on mrs Jones: sup at Reynolds’s. N G calls. Parliament meetse.44

10. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. List of Rump, fr. Parkes. Tacitus, c. 41. Mitford dies . 43 ½

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Feb. 11. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 48. 44

12. M.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 52. Museum; Stubbe; adv. Lemonse: call on Rodd, & Colburn: meet Bannister. 44 ½

13. Tu.Commonwealth, revise; character of Lilburne, 1 1/2 pp. Broken Heart, act 1, 2. Tacitus, c. 56. Museum; Rogerse. 46

14. W.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 62. Museum; adv. Rutte. Sup at Hodgets’, w. Henning, miss Bowring & W. 44 ½

15. Th.Commonwealth, revise; 2 pages. Tacitus, c. 66. M W S & W dine. 45 ½

16. F.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 73. Meet Reynolds: N G calls: call on Colburnna & Northcote ; adv. Johnson. 43

17. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 80. Grayson & R Taylor call: E Collins dines: theatre, 1/2 Gamester.eLiverpool, Apoplexy e. 40

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Feb. 18. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 84. Call on M W S. 39

19. M.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 88. Museum; Lilburnee. Salters, M W S & W au soir. Go to press . 39

20. Tu.Commonwealth, revise: advertisement. Tacitus, c. 90. Museum; Lilburnee: mrs Napier calls. 39

21. W.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, Lib. II, c. 3. Museum; Burford; adv. Rutte: N G calls. 42

22. Th.Commonwealth, 3 pages. Tacitus, c. 9. Museum; Burforde. M W S dines; adv. W & M. Morbuse: total eclipse. 44

23. F.Commonwealth, p. 4. Museum; Burforde. Theatre, Hypocrite, act 5, & Ramo Sameee. Sir Walter Scot avows the Scotch Novelse. 43

24. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 7. Tacitus, c. 13. Uwins call[s;?]M W S dines: N G calls. 45

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Feb. 25. Su.Commonwealth, p. 9/2; revise. Tacitus, c. 16. Call on Booth; adv. Anderson: Uwins sups.

26. M.Commonwealth, revise. Museum; Burforde. Tacitus, c. 20. Agnes Hall at tea.

27. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Museum; Burforde; adv. Barnham. Hodgets sups.

28. W.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 22. Museum, frustrae.


Mar. 1. Th.Commonwealth, 2 pp; revise. Tacitus, c. 26. Museum; Burforde. M W S dines; adv. W; Hodgets’, au soir, w. Bowrings, Buckingham, J Hume, M Hill, Harwood, Henning, R T, miss Tooke.meet Platt.

2. F.Commonwealth, revise. Museum: Burforde. N G calls: sup at Reynolds’s; adv. Bunn.

3. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 3. State-Paper Officee. Tacitus, c. 32.

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Mar. 4. Su.Commonwealth, p. 4. Write to Peel. Call on M W S. W for circuite.

5. M.Commonwealth, revise. H P at tea.

6. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 38. N G at tea.

7. W.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 44. Call on W Tooke.

8. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 60. Write to Brougham. Call on Coates: M W S dines.

9. F.Commonwealth, 1 page. Tacitus, c. 66. Call on Birkbeck, Grote, Northcote (adv. J Taylor) & Colburn. He proposes for a novele. C Whitefoord.

10. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 70. Meet Hardwicke.

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Mar. 11. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 76. Dine at Rowbotham’s, w. D & C Booth, Cummingses, Lissaburra & miss Bell; adv. Cameron.

12. M.Commonwealth, revise. Call on Mackintosh & Northcote ; adv. Knighton: sup at Hodgets’, w. pere & soeurs.

13. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 82. State Paper Officee. Theatre, Wife’s Stratagem; adv. J Taylore. Mrs Napier dines.

14. W.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 90. Dine at M W S’s, w. M J. N G calls n.

15. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 95. Theatre, Comfortable Lodgingse.

16. F.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 101. M W S dines.

17. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, Lib. III, c. 6. Knocked down, 1/4 before nine, P Me .

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Mar. 18. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 13{.} Call on M W S: sup at Reynolds, w. Bunn, Beasleys, St Leger, Fallowfields, & 3 miss Boadens. 49

19. M.Commonwealth, 2 pages. Tacitus, c. 20. Write to Wynn. State-Paper Office; committeese. Theatre, 3/10 Pizarro, & Comf. Lodgings; adv. R Re. 47 ½

20. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 23. Call on M Gisbornen: M W S at tea; adv. N G.

21. W.Commonwealth, çala. Tacitus, c. 30. Call on Peacock & Mill: M W S calls.

22. Th.Commonwealth, p. 4/2. Tacitus, c. 36. Museum; Lilburne; adv. Harrise: M W S dines: meet M.

23. F.Commonwealth, p. 5. Tacitus, c. 42. Museum; Cooke.

24. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 46.

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Mar. 25. Su.Commonwealth, 1 page; revise. Tacitus, c. 50. Call on M W S: adv. Figg & mrs Leslie: H P sups. meet Macgowan.

26. M.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 54. Call on Wynn: Museum; Several Proceedingse. Meet Northcote.

27. Tu.Commonwealth, 2 pages. Tacitus, c. 61. Seek Barnes: sup at Hodgets', w. pere & soeur.

28. W.Commonwealth, 3 pp. Museum; Newspaperse. Mrs Hall sups.

29. Th.Commonwealth, p. 7/2. Tacitus, c. 68. Museum; Newspaperse. M W S dines.

30. F.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 75. Museum; Newspaperse.

31. Sa.Commonwealth, 1 page. Bolland calls: seek N G, Warwick Lane; find him, Strand. Tacitus, c. 82.


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Apr. 1. Su.Commonwealth, 1 page, & revise. Tacitus, c. 86. Call on M W S: N G calls.

2. M.Commonwealth, 1 page; revise. Tacitus, Lib. IV, c. 4. Uwins calls: dine at M W S’s, w. M Gisborne; adv. L Dillon.

3. Tu.Commonwealth, 1 1/2 pages. Tacitus, c. 11.

4. W.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 14. N G & White call: call on Barnes.

5. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Write to Vt Dillon. Museume. M W S dines.

6. F.Commonwealth, 1 page; revise. Tacitus, c. 18. M calls.

7. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 22. Theatre, 1/2 Slave, & Two a Paire. Nervous, 3 dayse.

Apr. 8. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 25: Pecorone, p. 205 to 224. Mrs Napier dines.

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9. M.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 31. Museum; Worcestere. M W S calls n: sup at Reynolds’s.

10. Tu.Commonwealth, 1 page. Tacitus, c. 37. Museum; Worcestere. N G calls: sup at Hodgets’nit.

11. W.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 43. Museum; Worcestere. Margaret Lyndsay, p. 100.

12. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 49: M Lyndsay, p. 150. Dillon calls: M W S dines; adv. M. Canning, Treasurye.

13. F.Commonwealth, revise, bene. Tacitus, c. 55: M Lyndsay, p. 200. Call on L Dudleynit; write: meet Este.

14. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 61. M Lyndsay, p. 275. Northcote & W Curran call n: outer circle, Regent’s Parke.

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Apr. 15. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 67. W Curran calls: call on M W S.

16. M.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 71. Seek Brougham: call on Colburn & Northcote.

17. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 73: M Lyndsay, p. 403, fin. Write to Brougham. Dine at M W S. Clarence, L H Admirale.

18. W.Commonwealth, revise. Write to Brougham. Tacitus, c. 79. W Curran & N G calls: theatre, Fast & Slow; adv. Skeffington & F R junre. W fr. circuite.

19. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Letter to Brougham. Tacitus, c. 86. Call on Broughamn.

20. F.Commonwealth, 1 page. Meet A Boinville & Lacon Lambe: M W S & W dine: call on Brougham, soir. 54 ½

21. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, Lib. V, c. 10. Write to Brougham. M calls. 54

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Apr. 22. Su.Commonwealth, 2 pages. Call on M W S: sup at Reynolds’s, w. mrs Beasley, & C & S Boaden. 54

23. M.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 18. Museum; Nedhame. M dines: Kenney calls n: theatre, 1/2 K Johne: 50

24. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Tacitus, c. 26, fin: Sallust, B J, c. 10. Museum; Pembrokee: call on Kenneyn. 50

25. W.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 27. Museum; Pembrokee. Aldis, M & N G call. Prairie, p. 40. 51

26. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Write to P H G. Sallust, c. 30: Prairie, p. 126. M W S & W dine. 52

27. F.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 35: Prairie, p. 224. H P & Mrs Hall au soir. 55

28. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 40. Call on Rodd: theatre, 1/2 Inconstante. Prairie, p. 311. 57

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Apr. 29. Su.Commonwealth, 1 page. Prairie, p. 338; Vol. II, p. 160. Northcote calls n: call on M W S. National Guard disbandede

30. M.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 50: Prairie, p. 288. London University, First Stone; adv. Gent, R. Taylor , female E Ts & Coatese. N G calls.


May 1. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Museum; R Ce. Write to Sturges Bourne. Sallust, c. 60: Prairie, p. 324. Theatre, Turkish Lovers; adv. Skeffingtone.

2. W.Commonwealth, revise. Prairie, p. 370; Vol. III, p. 78.

3. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Prairie, p. 162. M W S & W dine; adv. N G.

4. F.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 70. State Paper Officee. Prairie, p. 239.

5. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 80. State Paper Officee. Prairie, p. 306. E Collins sups.

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May 6. Su.Commonwealth, 2 pages. Sallust, c. 85. Prairie, p. 368, fin. Call on M W S: Kenney sups.

7. M.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 95. Museum; Biddlee: Exhibition; adv. Boadene.

8. Tu.Commonwealth, 1 page; revise. Sallust, c. 105. Museum; 20 April; adv. Rutte. 56

9. W.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust; c. 114. State Paper Office; Bradshawe: theater, 1/2 Charles II, & £ 100 notee. 54 ½

10. Th.Commonwealth, revise. State Paper Office; Bradshawe: Museum; Cobbete. M W S dines. Paragraph on Bradshaw, half after nine, P M. 56

11. F.Evacuatione. Commonwealth, revise. M W S calls: W sleeps . Interview, S T S & Percye. 56

12. Sa.Commonwealth, revise.

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May 13. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, B Cat., C. 13. Call on M W S. Paragraph on Bradshaw, nine, P M.

14. M.Commonwealth, revise, Sallust, c. 23. State Paper Office; Committeese. Sup at Reynolds’s. N G calls: write to N G.

15. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 33. Seek Lord Dillon.

16. W.Commonwealth, 2 pp. Sallust, c. 43. Museum; Fornicatione. Sup at Hodgets’.

17. Th.Commonwealth, 2 pp. Sallust, c. 48. Write to R Taylor, on C C. Cohen calls: M W S dines; adv. W.

18. F.Commonwealth, 1 1/2 pp; revise. Sallust, c. 53. Museum; Biddlee.

19. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Sallust, c. 61, fin. Call on Lemon & Merivalen.

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May 20. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, Prefatio. Call on Merivale & M W S.

21. M.Commonwealth, 2 pp (committees). Write to Rowan. Theatre, Ben Nazir; adv. Skeffington, Barham & Talfourde: M sups. Livy, c. 8.

22. Tu.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 16. Dine at M W S’s.

23. W.Commonwealth, 2 1/2 pp. Livy, c. 21. Museum; Sequestrationse. Theatre, Love & Reasone.

24. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 25. Call on Lord Dillon: M at tea; adv. N G.

25. F.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 28. Museum; Cromwele. M W S & W at tea.

26. Sa.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 32. State Paper Office; Barbonee. M at tea. Mark Noble dies .

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May 27. Su.Commonwealth, revise. Call on Booth; adv. Cowley Baxter.

28. M.Commonwealth; 2 pages; revise. Livy, c. 37. Museum; Lilburnee. Hudson dines; adv. M W S & W.

29. Tu.Commonwealth, revise; Preface. Livy, c. 44. Museum; Barbone’s Parlte. Jno. Robinson calls, grandson of Geo. Robinson.

30. W.Commonwealth, 1 page; revise. Livy, c. 50. Museum; Barbonee. Sup at Reynolds’s.

31. Th.Commonwealth, revise. Livy, c. 55. Museum; Barbonee. M W S dines; adv. Kenney.


June 1. F.Commonwealth, revise: End of Vol. III: read. Museum; Dec. 16e. End of Vol. III.

2. Sa.Commonwealth, read. Livy, c. 60. Meet Kenney. Acropolis of Athens surrenderse.

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June 3. Su.Commonwealth, 8 lines; read. Livy, Lib. II, c. 5. Call on M W S & Northcote ; adv. Lady Knighton & fils.

4. M.Commonwealth, read. Livy, c. 11. N G & M call: theatre, Bertrame.

5. Tu.Commonwealth, Vol. IV, çala. Livy, c. 18. Sup at Hodgets’, w. Charles Twamley.

6. W.Commonwealth, p. 2/2; notes. St John’s Wood.

7. Th.Commonwealth, p. 2. Theatre, Othello (Iago, Kean); adv. Skeffingtone.

8. F.Write to Lord Dillon & W Curran. Exhibition, w. M W Se: M W S dines; adv. Kenney. Unhinged, 12 dayse.

9. Sa.Letter to Sturges Bourne. Call on Northcote.

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June 10. Su.Commonwealth. Letter to Knighton. Call on M W S.

11. M.Commonwealth, çala. Defensio Secunda, çala. Write to Knighton. Dillon calls.

12. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Call on Greenhil Russeln: Museum; Miltone. Sup at Reynolds’s; adv. Harris. N G calls. Livy, c. 23. M W S dines.

13. W.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 29. Museum; Miltone. Call on M. Commonwealth, Vol. III, published, 16 s .

14. Th.Livy, c. 34: Robertson, Scotland, p. 176-293. M W S dines; adv. Kenney & W.

15. F.Commonwealth, çala; Milton. Livy, c. 40.

16. Sa.Commonwealth, çala; Milton. Livy, c. 47. Theatre, 2/3 P Pry, & All’s Righte.

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June 17. Su.Write to Sturges Bourne. Livy, c. 52: Robertson, p. 335; Vol. II, p. 160. Call on M W S.

18. M.Livy, c. 58: Robertson, çala. Dine at M W S’s; adv. W & Kenney.

19. Tu.Montaigne, on Women. Meet Landseer & Charles: call on Northcote.

20. W.Commonwealth, p. 3/2. Livy, c. 65. M W S & W dine.

21. Th.Commonwealth, p. 5. Livy, Lib. III, c. 5. Opera, w. M W S; Medea, Me Pastae. Museum; Lavatere.

22. F.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 8. Museum; Conye: Kenney & W sup.

23. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 14. Call on Lammin: meet Baxter & M Burney.

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June 24. Su.Commonwealth, p.7/2. Livy, c. 18. Call on M W S: N G calls.

25. M.Livy, c. 24. Coach, w. Goldsmith, &c, watery footman: dine at Isleworth’s, w. 5 Buxtons, 2 miss Shepherds, Robertson, G White & W.

26. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 9/2. Livy, c. 30. Call on Kenney: Kenney at tea; adv. H P: sup at Reynolds’s, w. Kenney.

27. W.Commonwealth, p. 10. Write to Dr. Cha. O’Connor. Livy, c. 34. Meet L Dillon & pere: mcall on Northcoten: sup at Hodgets.’

28. Th.Commonwealth, p. 13. Livy, c. 36. Theatre, w. M W S & Isa. Booth, Richard; adv. Hodgetses & We.

29. F.State Paper Office; Cromwele. Livy, c. 38. Call on Kennies.

30. Sa.State Paper Officee. Commonwealth, çala. Sacred Drama, for W.


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July 1. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 39.

2. M.Commonwealth, çala; Overton. Livy, c. 45. Uwins & Kennies call: Booth at tea. Prorogatione.

3. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Museume: M at tea: theatre, 2/3 Arthur & Em., & Lying made Easye.

4. W.Commonwealth, 1 page. Museume. Livy, c. 49. Call on Northcote (N G).

5. Th.Commonwealth, p. 14. Write to Knighton, & to Wedgwoodfor Davison. Call on Knightonn & Northcoten: M W S & W dine.

6. F.Commonwealth, p. 15. Museume. Northcote calls: call on M: dine at Uwins’s, w. Clutterbuck, Burroughs, Mason, Best, Headland, Morgan, &York, & Vance. Nov. 8[th?]Hot weather, 8 days.

7. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Colburn calls. Livy, c. 53. Write to N G.

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July 8. Su.Commonwealth, p. 17/2. Livy, c. 56. Call on M W S & mrs Hodgets: N G calls, announce.

9. M.Call on Bowring. Find Fairfax Memorandum.

10. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 19/2. Livy, c. 62. Museum; Webster, &ce. M W S dines: adv. Northcote. Hodgets sups.

11. W.Commonwealth, p. 20. Museum; Webstere. Call on Colburnn (write): meet Carlisle: sup at Reynolds’s.

12. Th.Commonwealth, p. 21/2. Livy, c. 63. Colburn calls: coach, fr. Spur Inn, Borough, to Maidstone; w. sir A Carlisle & col. Strafford: tea & supper, Hughes’s, w. Pretty: sleep at Swan, 2 nights.[Not in London]

13. F.Call on Mardon & Liston. Fairfax Papers. Invités à diner, Liston & Brenchley: Colburn arrives.[Not in London]

14. Sa.Fairfax Papers. Dine, w. Colburn, at Stow: coach to town, w. Colburn & Lewisham magistrate: Colburn at tea, Gower Place.[Not in London]

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July 15. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Call on Northcote. Nervous, 2 dayse.

16. M.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Muggletone. M W S calls. Landsdown, Secretarye.

17. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Muggletone. Dine at Hodgets’, w. Buckingham, R T, Kempson & W. Livy, c. 66.invité Bowring.

18. W.Commonwealth, çala. Write to Joshua Wilson. Museum; Muggletone. N G & M call.

19. Th.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 69. M W S & Howard Payne dine.

20. F.Commonwealth, p. 21; & 1 1/2 pp. Livy, c. 70. Museum; Le Clerc; adv. We: theatre, Rencontree.

21. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 22. Livy, c. 72; Lib. IV, c. 3. State-Paper Office; meet T Hill & Northcotee: M calls. A Constable dies .

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[fol. 29r]

July 22. Su.Commonwealth, çala. N G calls: call on M W Sn. Pluie.

23. M.Commonwealth, p. 23/2. Paradise Lost, & Quixote, çala. M W S calls, ppc.

24. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 5. Museum; De Wite: theatre, Serjeant’s Wifee: Colburn calls n.

25. W.Livy, c. 8. Museum; De Wite: Colburn calls: call on Birkbeck: sup at Reynolds’s.

26. Th.Commonwealth, p. 26/2. Livy, c. 11.

27. F.Commonwealth, p. 26. Livy, c. 16. Call on Colburn.

28. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 27. Livy, c. 20. Theatre, Gudgeons & Sharkse. Grayson calls.

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[fol. 29v]

July 29. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 24. Thermometer, 79.

30. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 30. Museum; Tho. Duttone. Hudson at tea.

31. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 29. Livy, c. 32. Write to M W S. Call on Stalker, & Northcote ; adv. King & Rogers.


Aug. 1. W.Commonwealth, p. 30. Call on Knightonn & secretary of staten.

2. Th.Commonwealth, çala. State-Paper Officee: call on Venables & Plasket, Sec’s Office.

3. F.Commonwealth, p. 31. Call on Colburn, Knightonn & Northcote.

4. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 32. Livy, c. 38. Seek Miller, bookseller: call on R Tn, Jenkins & University.

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[fol. 30r]

Aug. 5. Su.Commonwealth, p. 33. Livy, c. 44: Quixote, p. 396, gradatim. Meet M: call on Booth; adv. Anderson: N G at tea.

6. M.Commonwealth, p. 35. Livy, c. 49: Quixote, p. 430. Seek Miller: N G at tea.N G entered at Charter Housee.

7. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 37. Write to P H G. Livy, c. 54. Museum; C Gerarde: theatre, Before Breakfast; adv. O’Hanlone.

9. 8. W.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 59. Museum; Gerarde. M at tea. Canning dies .

9. Th.Commonwealth, p. 39. Livy, 61; Lib. V, c. 2: Quixote, p. 472. Museum; Henshawe.

10. F.Commonwealth, p. 41. Write to M W S. Livy, c. 6. Museum; Gerarde. Sup at Reynolds’s.

11. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 43. Livy, c. 11. Seek Miller: meet Rogers, & Norton draper: theatre, You Must Be Buriede. Quixote, p. 502. T Ht & E K call.

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[fol. 30v]

Aug. 12. Su.Commonwealth, p. 46/2 (C’s 1st parlt.)Livy, c. 16. Menagerie, one quadruped. N G calls.

13. M.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Jesuitae. Quixote, p. 531.

14. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 48/2. Livy, c. 20. Museum; 1st parlte.

15. W.Commonwealth, p. 49. Livy, c. 24. Museum; 1st parlte. Quixote, p. 572. M calls.

16. Th.Commonwealth, p. 51. Livy, c. 28. Museum; Newspaperse. Dine at Aldis’s, w. 2 Ellistons, Woodham, mrs Jones, mrs & miss Cooper, & mrs Bunns.

17. F.Commonwealth, p. 55. Livy, c. 33. Museum; Newspaperse. Quixote, Vol. II, p. 20.

18. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 57/2. Livy, c. 37. State-Paper Officee. Quixote, p. 51.

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Aug. 19. Su.Commonwealth, p. 58. Livy, c. 40. Quixote, p. 68. Baxter calls. Withering cold, 4 days.

20. M.Commonwealth, p. 59. Livy, c. 45. Museum; Newspaperse. Theatre; Freebooters; adv. Barham & Townsende.

21. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; R Baxtere. Hudson sups.

22. W.Commonwealth, p. 61. Museum; Biddlee. M dines; adv. N G: call on Northcote. Quixote, p. 109.

23. Th.Commonwealth, p. 63/2. Livy, c. 48. Seek Miller: theatre, Goldsmith; adv. Skeffingtone. Quixote, p. 133. Write to M W S.

24. F.Commonwealth, p. 65. Livy, c. 55: Quixote, p. 151. Museum; Overtone: Poole calls n: sup at Reynolds’s. M calls.

25. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 67. Livy, Lib. VI, c. 5. Call on Greenhill & R Hunter: theatre, Would & Would Note.

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Aug. 26. Su.Commonwealth, p. 68. Livy, c. 10: Quixote, p. 181. Hodgets sups.

27. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 15: Quixote, p. 208.

28. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Theatre, Mulligatawnye. Quixote, p. 226.

29. W.Commonwealth, p. 72. Livy, c. 20: Quixote, p. 270.

30. Th.Commonwealth, p. 74. Livy, c. 25: Quixote, p. 290.

31. F.Commonwealth, p. 76/2. Livy, c. 30: Quixote, p. 320.


Sept. 1. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 77. Livy, c. 34. Quixote, p. 355. Kenney calls; adv. M: call on Poole: M dines.

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[fol. 32r]

Sep. 2. Su.Commonwealth, p. 79/2. Call on Booth: sup at Hodgets’, w. Twamley. Livy, c. 38. N G calls.

3. M.Commonwealth, p. 79. Museum; Conye. Quixote, p. 380. W at homee.

4. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 82. Museum; Venablese. Livy, c. 41. M calls.

5. W.Commonwealth, p. 83. Livy, Lib. VII, c. 5. Museum; Venablese. Quixote, p. 414. White at tea.

6. Th.Commonwealth, p. 85/2. Scriptum contra Hispanos. Museum; Venablese. Quixote, p. 436. Theatre, Spring & Autumne.

7. F.Commonwealth, p. 86/2. Museum; Venablese. Quixote, p. 154. Call on Hodgets; adv. Hennings.

8. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 89. Livy, c. 10. Quixote, p. 460. Call on Northcote: M calls n.

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[fol. 32v]

Sep. 9. Su.Commonwealth, p. 91/2. Livy, c. 15: Quixote, p. 504, fin: Charles XII, p. 56.

10. M.Commonwealth, p. 93. Livy, c. 20. Museum; Morlande. Sup at Reynolds’s; adv. Watt. Warm weather, 9 days.

11. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 95. Museum; Morlande. Livy, c. 25: Suède, p. 70. Thermometer, 69 ½ .

12. W.Commonwealth, p. 97. Museum; Morlande. Write to M W S & T T. Livy, c. 30.

13. Th.Commonwealth, mem, 6 A M. Livy, c. 34, opt. Call on Joshua Wilson: Museum: Morlande. Uwins sups.

14. F.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 38. Sup at Hodgets’.

15. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Grandison, p. 34. Call on Rodd. 70.

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[fol. 33r]

Sep. 16. Su.Commonwealth, p. 100/2. Livy, c. 42. Grandison, p. 44: Pol. Justice, çala. N G calls.

17. M.Commonwealth, çala. Write to M W S. Livy, Lib. VIII, c. 6. Museum; Treatiese. Isa Booth calls. Grandison, p. 75.

18. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 100. Livy, c. 10. State Paper Officee. Meet Hughes, Maidstone. Grandison, p. 105.

19. W.Mazede. Commonwealth, 5 lines. Livy, c. 14. Museum; Marianae. Grandison, p. 126.

20. Th.Ideme. Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 18. Museum; Treatiese. Theatre, Tonsone: Hodgets & W sup.

21. F.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 22. Museum; Martinièree. Grandison, p. 142.

22. Sa.Livy, c. 24. Call on Upcot (Reboulet): seek Dr Browne. sigillum perditume.

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[fol. 33v]

Sep. 23. Su.Commonwealth, p. 104/2. Livy, c. 29.

24. M.Commonwealth, p. 104. Livy, c. 35. Museum; Briennee. Grandison, p. 164. Call on Reynoldsn. 67

25. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 40. Museum; James IIe. M at tea. 67

26. W.Commonwealth, çala. Write to M W S. Livy, Lib. IX, c. 5. Museum; Newspaperse. M at tea. 67

27. Th.Commonwealth, p. 106. Livy, c. 8. Museum; Newspaperse. Call on Northcote. 69-70.

28. F.Commonwealth, p. 107. Livy, c. 12. Museum; Newspaperse. Northcote calls n. 67

29. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 14. Grandison, p. 192. Booth calls n. 67

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[fol. 34r]

Sep. 30. Su.Commonwealth, Thurloe, çala. Livy, c. 17. Mazede.


Oct. 1. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 19. State Paper Officee. Theatre, Douglas (Kean jr); adv. Skeffington, Barham & Hille. Ideme.

2. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 110/2. Livy, c. 23. Museum; Protector Unveilede. Sup at Reynolds’s, w. Kenney & mrs Mortimer: M at tea. 67

3. W.Commonwealth, p. 112. Write to M W S. Livy, c. 26. Museum; Baxtere. Grandison, p. 232. N G at tea.

4. Th.Commonwealth, p. 115. Livy, c. 29. Museum; Gootkine: sup at Hodget’s.

5. F.Commonwealth, p. 117. Livy, c. 34. Theatre, Illustrious Strangere.

6. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 38. Hodgets sups; adv. M. 67 ½

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Oct. 7. Su.Commonwealth, p. 120/2. Livy, c. 41: Grandison, p. 256. Call on Hodgets: Kenney sups.

8. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 44. Museum; Jewse. Call on John Evans, Ogle & Hodgets.

9. Tu.Commonwealth, 6 lines. Livy, c. 46; Lib. X, c. 3. Museum; Menassehe. Grandison, p. 276. Write to M W S.

10. W.Commonwealth, p. 122/2. Livy, c. 8. Write to Hirschel. Grandison, p. 289.

11. Th.Commonwealth, p. 122. Livy, c. 11. Museum; Vanee.

12. F.Commonwealth, p. 124. Livy, c. 14. Museum; Vane; adv. Rutte: theatre, Stoops to Conquer, & I S; adv. Hopwoods & M Je. C C.

13. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 126/2. Livy, c. 19. State Paper Officee. Write to M W S & Dr Brown.

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[fol. 35r]

Oct. 14. Su.Commonwealth, p. 128. Livy, c. 23: Douglas: Grandison, p. 316.

15. M.Commonwealth, p. 129. Livy, c. 27. Museum; Vanee. Theatre, 1/2 Barbarossa, & Gambler’s Fate; adv. Skeffington, Barham , Gent , R Reynolds & Knowles senre. Northcote calls n.^adv. Rutt & R Taylor.

16. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 130. Livy, c. 31. Museum; Vanee. 66, 9 P M.

17. W.Commonwealth, p. 132, & 1 page. Livy, c. 37. Museum; Vanee: tea, Fra. Wright, Nashoba: Northcote calls. 68

18. Th.Commonwealth, p. 134. Livy, c. 42. Grandison, p. 334.

19. F.Commonwealth, p. 137. Livy, c. 47. Write to Fra. Wright. Museum; Remonstrancee. Finish First Decade of Livy, autumn 1779. / 66, 9 P M

20. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 140/2. Livy, Lib. XXI, c. 4. Call on Olliern: White (Isleworth) at tea. Battle of Navarinoe. 66, 9 P M.

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[fol. 35v]

Oct. 21. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 10. Grandison, p. 351. Northcote calls. 66, 9 P M

22. M.Livy, c. 16. Call on Hirschel, Van Oven, Upcot & mrs Brown: sup at Hodgets’. 66, 9 P M

23. Tu.Commonwealth, 16 lines. Livy, c. 18: Fra. Wright, p. 48. Museum; Jewse. Northcote calls. Write to M W S. 64

24. W.Commonwealth, 1 page. Livy, c. 24. Museum; Chamberlainee: Styles, p. 50. 64

25. Th.Commonwealth, 1 page. Write to Van Oven. Livy, c. 27: F Wright, p. 156. Museum; Toveye. Call on Reynoldsn. 64, 11 P M

26. F.Commonwealth, p. 140. Livy, c. 31. Museum; Campbel; adv. Rutte. //Causton calls: M W S & W dine; sleeps. 64

27. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 35. M W S for Harrowe. Northcote calls. 65 ½ , 9 P M

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[fol. 36r]

Oct. 28. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 41: F Wright, p. 196: Grandison, p. 389. Rain.

29. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 44. Museum; adv. Rutte: Rowbotham calls: N G at tea: theatre, Wealthy Widow; adv. Wallace & Talfourde. Cold weather, 6 days.

30. Tu.Commonwealth, 1 1/2 pp. Livy, c. 50: Museum; O Ce.

31. W.Commonwealth, p. 141. Livy, c. 56: Grandison, p. 418. Fra. Wright, Dale Owen & M W S call; adv. Northcote.


Nov. 1. Th.Commonwealth, p. 142/2. Livy, c. 63. Museum; adv. Rutte: tea at Fra. Wright’s, w. M W S, 2 Owens, Milne & misses Ronald.

2. F.Commonwealth, p. 143. Livy, c. Lib. XXII, c. 4. Museum; Quakerse. Tales of Cannongate, p. 65.

3. Sa.Commonwealth, 16 lines. Livy, c. 9. State Paper Officee. Canongate, p. 110. Theatre, Alfred the Gt; adv. Barhams & Hille.

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[fol. 36v]

Nov. 4. Su.Commonwealth, çala; Quakers. Livy, c. 12. Canongate, p. 227. Call on Booth: M W S & W at tea.

5. M.Livy, c. 15: Canongate, p. 350. Call on Birkbeck, Almosnino & Hurtwitz, & Reynoldsn. 61 ½ , 9 P M

6. Tu.Commonwealth, 1 page. Livy, c. 20. Museum; Penne. Call on Kenney. 63, 7 P M

7. W.Commonwealth, p.145. Livy, c. 23. Museum; Sewele. M W S, & Ireland (Edin) call. Canongate, Vol. II, p. 88.

8. Th.Museum; G Foxe. Canongate, p. 280. M W S calls n: call on Northcote; adv. Lawford & Harvey.

9. F.Commonwealth, p. 147. Museum; Muggletone. Canongate, p. 374, fin: O’Briens, p. 95. 61, 9 P M

10. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 148. Livy, c. 27: O’Briens, p. 295. Call on Rogers (Clements Lane), Kenneyn & Hodgetsn. 61, 9 P M

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[fol. 37r]

Nov. 11. Su.Commonwealth, çala; Nayler. Livy, c. 33. Kenney calls. 62 ½ , 9 P M

12. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 36. Museum; Muggleton & Foxe. Dine at M W S’s; adv. Robinson, père deDouglas: call on J Taylor.

13. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 150/2, & 1 page. Livy, c. 41. Museum; G Foxe. O Briens, Vol. II, p. 137. Call on H Payne. 63, 10 P M.

14. W.Commonwealth, 1 page. Livy, c. 46. Museum; Naylore. O’Briens, p. 340. Letter from Greenhill.

15. Th.Commonwealth, p. 150. O’Briens, Vol. III, p. 129. M calls.Reynolds

16. F.Commonwealth, p. 153/2. Livy, c. 50: O’Briens, p. 204. Call on Kenney; adv. M Morton: theatre, Virginius; adv. Wallace, O’Hanlon & Talfourde.

17. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 153. Livy, c. 56. State Paper Officee. Call on Palgraven.

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[fol. 37v]

Nov. 18. Su.M Review. O’Briens, p. 332; Vol. IV, p. 47. Hear Fox, Finsbury, w. Hodgetses & Twamleye: call on M W S.

19. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 61. Museum; Col. H Ce. O’Briens, p. 196. Mrs Hamilton at tea; adv. Uwins. Procidentiae. 58, 11 P M

20. Tu.Livy, Lib. XXIII, c. 4: O’Briens, p. 362, fin{.} Almosnino calls: M W S & W dine; adv. W Hopwood. 57, 11 P M

21. W.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 9. Write to Synagogue. Hurwitz & M W S call: theatre, Forget & Forgivee.

22. Th.Commonwealth, p. 155/2. Livy, c. 12: Grandison, p. 434. Museum: Gookine. Theatre, Shylocke. Snow.48

23. F.Commonwealth, p. 155/2. Livy, c. 17. Sup at Reynolds’s; adv. Watts. 44

24. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 19. M W S, Kenney & Wallace call: theatre, Seraglio; adv. Skeffingtone. 43

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[fol. 38r]

Nov. 25. Su.Commonwealth, p. 157/2, & 2 pp. Livy, c. 22. Call on M W S. Thaw.

26. M.Commonwealth, p. 158/2. Livy, c. 25. Museum; C Butlere. Grandison, p. 466. Sup at Hodgets’. 50, 9 P M

27. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 158. Livy, c. 28. Museum; C Butlere. M W S & W dine. 51, 11 P M

28. W.Commonwealth, p. 159/2. Livy, c. 30. Museum; Sindercombee. Percy dines; adv. N G: sleeps. Graham dies, aged 3453, 9 P M

29. Th.Commonwealth, p. 160. Livy, c. 31. Museum; Sindercombe; adv. Rutte. Theatre; Isidore of Meridae.Rex. 53, 12 P M

30. F.Commonwealth, p. 164/2. Livy, c. 34. Museume. White calls: call on Brougham. 56 ½ , 11 ½ P M


Dec. 1. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 167/2. Livy, c. 39. State Paper Officee. Grandison, p. 502. Kenneys sup; adv. W57

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Dec. 2. Su.Commonwealth, p. 167. Livy, c. 41: Red Rover, p. 94. Call on M W S: sup at Kenney’s, w. Holmes, T Ht & W. 57

3. M.Commonwealth, p. 170/2. Red Rover, p. 254. Museum; Rexe. Call on Wallacen. Planta dies.57

4. Tu.Write to Dudley. Livy, c. 48. Red Rover, p. 336. 59 ½ , 11 ½ P M

5. W.Commonwealth, p. 171. Livy, c. 49; Lib. XXIV, c. 3. Wallace, Roche, Uwins & M call: theatre, Lovers’ Vows; adv. Skeffington & Mortone. 60

6. Th.Commonwealth, p. 172. (Castor oil.)eMuseum; Newspaperse. Red Rover, Vol. II, p. 78. M W S & W dine.

7. F.Commonwealth, p. 173/2. Livy, c. 6. Museum; Newspaperse. Red Rover, p. 201. Call on Northcote.

8. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 174. Livy, c. 9. Red Rover, p. 309; Vol. III, p. 101.

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[fol. 39r]

Dec. 9. Su.Commonwealth, 7 lines. Livy, c. 15. Red Rover, p. 200. Call on M W S: T C, M & O’Hanlon call n. 56, 11 ½ P M

10. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 18. Red Rover, p. 341, fin. T C & M call: theatre, Henry IV, acts 1, 2, 3e. 60

11. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 176. Livy, c. 20. Museum; Standarde. Call on S Hodgets, w. Wn. 58 ½

12. W.Commonwealth, p. 177/2. Livy, c. 23. Grandison, p. 509. Museume. //Call on Rodd. M W S & W dine. 56 ½ , 11 ½ P M

13. Th.Commonwealth, p. 180/2. Livy, c. 29. Museume. Meet Black & Hardwick: call on Reynoldsn.

14. F.Commonwealth (Ireland), çala. Livy, c. 31. Grandison, p. 544. Rain. 56, 11 ½ P M.

15. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 33. Call on Roche{.} M calls: Kenney & W sup; T C & M expected. 59, 11 ½ P M

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[fol. 39v]

Dec. 16. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 36. Grandison, p. 563. Call on M W Sn & T C: meet Boaden. 57, 11 ½ P M

17. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 39. Museum; Irelande. Call on Wallacen, O’Hanlonn & Maxwel: theatre, w. M J & C Leigh, Macbeth; adv. Wallacee: M calls. 54

18. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 43. Days in Athens. 61, 10 P M

19. W.Commonwealth, çala. Breakfast at C Butler’s, w. Wallace: call on Miller, & T Cn. Write to W Curran. 61, 11 ½ P M

20. Th.Commonwealth (Ireland), p. 3/2. Livy, c. 47. Museum; Gordon’s Irelande. Dine at M W S’s; adv. H Payne. 59

21. F.Commonwealth, p. 3, & 1 page. Livy, c. 49. Museum; Coxe. Theatre, Othello (Kean); adv. Gent, Poole & Davison junre. 54 all night

22. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 7/2. Livy, Lib. XXV, c. 5. Seek abp Tenison. Call on Rodd; adv. D’Israeli, & on M.57 ½ , 11 ½ P M, 55 ½ mn.

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Dec. 23. Su.Commonwealth, p. 10/2. Livy, c. 7. Grandison, p. 591. Call on Booth & M. 56 all night

24. M.Commonwealth, p. 11/2. Museum; Birchleye. Call on M; adv. Trampton. meet B Montagu. 61

25. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 11. Livy, c. 10. Rodd, miss Smith & Watts call: call on Northcote. 56 ½ , 11 ½ P M

26. W.Commonwealth, p. 12/2{,} 2 1/2 page. Livy, c. 12. State Paper Office, fre: call on Dr Richards & Lloydn: Booth at tea. meet Plce. 60, 10 P M

27. Th.Commonwealth, p. 13/2. Livy, c. 15. M W S & W dine; adv. miss Smith (South End). 59, 11 ½ P M

28. F.Commonwealth, p. 13. Livy, c. 19. State Paper Officee. N G at tea: sup at Hodgets’. Fog, 2 days. 51 all night

29. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 23: Grandison, p. 618. Seek T C: call on M.

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Dec. 30. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 25. Call on M W S (adv. Vt Dillon & Kenney) & T Cn. See Reynolds47 / 50

31. M.Commonwealth, p. 15/2. Livy, c. 27. Miss Smith (South End) dines: call on Colburn. 48 ½ / 53